Auto Quote Form MW Registered Vehicle OwnerThis will be the policy owner and must be the registered owner of the vehicle to be insured.Registered Vehicle Owner's Name* First Name Last Name Phone Number*Optional Secondary Phone NumberEmail* Optional Secondary Email Address*Address the vehicle is registered to. Street Address City AlbertaBritish ColumbiaManitobaNew BrunswickNewfoundland and LabradorNorthwest TerritoriesNova ScotiaNunavutOntarioPrince Edward IslandQuebecSaskatchewanYukon Province Postal Code*How did you hear about us?*If you were referred to Connor, Perry or Melanie please let us know.Effective Date*Requested Policy Start Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Vehicle #1 DetailsHow many vehicles would you like quoted?*Only automobiles, we have a separate form for motorcycles, ATV's, snowmobiles.1234Year of Vehicle*202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Make & Model*Be as specific as possible for most accurate quote.VINProviding a VIN is not mandatory but will increase accuracy of the quote.Condition When Bought*What status was the vehicle when you purchased it?NewUsedDemoYear Purchased?*What year was the vehicle purchased?Buying Right Now20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000Prior to 2000How many KM's when purchased?*Roughly how many KM's were on the vehicle when you purchased it?0 KM's1 - 20 KM's20 - 100 KM's101 - 200 KM's201 - 500 KM's501 - 1,000 KM's1,001 + KM'sAnnual KM's Driven*How many KM's do you expect to put on the vehicle over the course of the next year?5,000 km/year10.000 km/year15,000 km/year20,000 km/year25,000 km/year30,000 km/year35,000 km/year40,000 km/year45,000 km/year50,000 km/yearOver 50,000 km/yearDaily Commute KM's Driven*Distance one-way from home to work.I don't take my vehicle to work.2 KM's4 KM's6 KM's8 KM's10 KM's12 KM's14 KM's16 KM's18 KM's20 KM's22 KM's24 KM's26 KM's28 KM's30 KM's32 KM's34 KM's36 KM's38 KM's40 KM's42 KM's44 KM's46 KM's48 KM's50 KM's52 KM's54 KM's56 KM's58 KM's60 KM's62 KM's64 KM's66 KM's68 KM's70 KM's72 KM's74 KM's76 KM's78 KM's80 KM's82 KM's84 KM's86 KM's88 KM's90 KM's92 KM's94 KM's96 KM's98 KM's100 KM's102 KM's104 KM's106 KM's108 KM's110 KM's112 KM's114 KM's116 KM's118 KM's120 KM's122 KM's124 KM's126 KM's128 KM's130 KM's132 KM's134 KM's136 KM's138 KM's140 KM's142 KM's144 KM's146 KM's148 KM's150 KM's152 KM's154 KM's156 KM's158 KM's160 KM's162 KM's164 KM's166 KM's168 KM's170 KM's172 KM's174 KM's176 KM's178 KM's180 KM's182 KM's184 KM's186 KM's188 KM's190 KM's192 KM's194 KM's196 KM's198 KM's200 KM'sAnnual Business KM's Driven*No business use, ride sharing or food delivery5,000 km/year for business10.000 km/year for business15,000 km/year for business20,000 km/year for business25,000 km/year for business30,000 km/year for business35,000 km/year for business40,000 km/year for business45,000 km/year for business50,000 km/year for businessOver 50,000 km/year for businessWinter tires?*What type of tire do you use in the winter?Winter TiresAll SeasonsNeitherIs vehicle currently financed or leased?*FinancedOwned outrightLeasedCoverage Required:*If financed or leased full coverage is mandatory.Full CoverageOne-way CoverageI'm not sureAny Pre-Existing Damage on the Vehicle?If any pre-existing damage please be as detailed as possible explaining the damage. No Damage Vehicle #2 DetailsYear of Vehicle*20302029202820272026202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Make & Model*Be as specific as possible for most accurate quote.VINProviding a VIN is not mandatory but will increase accuracy of the quote.Condition When Bought*What status was the vehicle when you purchased it?NewUsedDemoYear Purchased?*What year was the vehicle purchased?Buying Right Now20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000Prior to 2000How many KM's when purchased?*Roughly how many KM's were on the vehicle when you purchased it?0 KM's1 - 20 KM's20 - 100 KM's101 - 200 KM's201 - 500 KM's501 - 1,000 KM's1,001 + KM'sAnnual KM's Driven*How many KM's do you expect to put on the vehicle over the course of the next year?5,000 km/year10.000 km/year15,000 km/year20,000 km/year25,000 km/year30,000 km/year35,000 km/year40,000 km/year45,000 km/year50,000 km/yearOver 50,000 km/yearDaily Commute KM's Driven*Distance one-way from home to work.I don't take my vehicle to work.2 KM's4 KM's6 KM's8 KM's10 KM's12 KM's14 KM's16 KM's18 KM's20 KM's22 KM's24 KM's26 KM's28 KM's30 KM's32 KM's34 KM's36 KM's38 KM's40 KM's42 KM's44 KM's46 KM's48 KM's50 KM's52 KM's54 KM's56 KM's58 KM's60 KM's62 KM's64 KM's66 KM's68 KM's70 KM's72 KM's74 KM's76 KM's78 KM's80 KM's82 KM's84 KM's86 KM's88 KM's90 KM's92 KM's94 KM's96 KM's98 KM's100 KM's102 KM's104 KM's106 KM's108 KM's110 KM's112 KM's114 KM's116 KM's118 KM's120 KM's122 KM's124 KM's126 KM's128 KM's130 KM's132 KM's134 KM's136 KM's138 KM's140 KM's142 KM's144 KM's146 KM's148 KM's150 KM's152 KM's154 KM's156 KM's158 KM's160 KM's162 KM's164 KM's166 KM's168 KM's170 KM's172 KM's174 KM's176 KM's178 KM's180 KM's182 KM's184 KM's186 KM's188 KM's190 KM's192 KM's194 KM's196 KM's198 KM's200 KM'sAnnual Business KM's Driven*No business use, ride sharing or food delivery5,000 km/year for business10.000 km/year for business15,000 km/year for business20,000 km/year for business25,000 km/year for business30,000 km/year for business35,000 km/year for business40,000 km/year for business45,000 km/year for business50,000 km/year for businessOver 50,000 km/year for businessWinter tires?*What type of tire do you use in the winter?Winter TiresAll SeasonsNeitherIs vehicle currently financed or leased?*FinancedOwned outrightLeasedCoverage Required:*If financed or leased full coverage is mandatory.Full CoverageOne-way CoverageI'm not sureAny Pre-Existing Damage on the Vehicle?If any pre-existing damage please be as detailed as possible explaining the damage. No Damage Vehicle #3 DetailsYear of Vehicle*20302029202820272026202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Make & Model*Be as specific as possible for most accurate quote.VINProviding a VIN is not mandatory but will increase accuracy of the quote.Condition When Bought*What status was the vehicle when you purchased it?NewUsedDemoYear Purchased?*What year was the vehicle purchased?Buying Right Now20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000Prior to 2000How many KM's when purchased?*Roughly how many KM's were on the vehicle when you purchased it?0 KM's1 - 20 KM's20 - 100 KM's101 - 200 KM's201 - 500 KM's501 - 1,000 KM's1,001 + KM'sAnnual KM's Driven*How many KM's do you expect to put on the vehicle over the course of the next year?5,000 km/year10.000 km/year15,000 km/year20,000 km/year25,000 km/year30,000 km/year35,000 km/year40,000 km/year45,000 km/year50,000 km/yearOver 50,000 km/yearDaily Commute KM's Driven*Distance one-way from home to work.I don't take my vehicle to work.2 KM's4 KM's6 KM's8 KM's10 KM's12 KM's14 KM's16 KM's18 KM's20 KM's22 KM's24 KM's26 KM's28 KM's30 KM's32 KM's34 KM's36 KM's38 KM's40 KM's42 KM's44 KM's46 KM's48 KM's50 KM's52 KM's54 KM's56 KM's58 KM's60 KM's62 KM's64 KM's66 KM's68 KM's70 KM's72 KM's74 KM's76 KM's78 KM's80 KM's82 KM's84 KM's86 KM's88 KM's90 KM's92 KM's94 KM's96 KM's98 KM's100 KM's102 KM's104 KM's106 KM's108 KM's110 KM's112 KM's114 KM's116 KM's118 KM's120 KM's122 KM's124 KM's126 KM's128 KM's130 KM's132 KM's134 KM's136 KM's138 KM's140 KM's142 KM's144 KM's146 KM's148 KM's150 KM's152 KM's154 KM's156 KM's158 KM's160 KM's162 KM's164 KM's166 KM's168 KM's170 KM's172 KM's174 KM's176 KM's178 KM's180 KM's182 KM's184 KM's186 KM's188 KM's190 KM's192 KM's194 KM's196 KM's198 KM's200 KM'sAnnual Business KM's Driven*No business use, ride sharing or food delivery5,000 km/year for business10.000 km/year for business15,000 km/year for business20,000 km/year for business25,000 km/year for business30,000 km/year for business35,000 km/year for business40,000 km/year for business45,000 km/year for business50,000 km/year for businessOver 50,000 km/year for businessWinter tires?*What type of tire do you use in the winter?Winter TiresAll SeasonsNeitherIs vehicle currently financed or leased?*FinancedOwned outrightLeasedCoverage Required:*If financed or leased full coverage is mandatory.Full CoverageOne-way CoverageI'm not sureAny Pre-Existing Damage on the Vehicle?If any pre-existing damage please be as detailed as possible explaining the damage. No Damage Vehicle #4 DetailsYear of Vehicle*20302029202820272026202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Make & Model*Be as specific as possible for most accurate quote.VINProviding a VIN is not mandatory but will increase accuracy of the quote.Condition When Bought*What status was the vehicle when you purchased it?NewUsedDemoYear Purchased?*What year was the vehicle purchased?Buying Right Now20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000Prior to 2000How many KM's when purchased?*Roughly how many KM's were on the vehicle when you purchased it?0 KM's1 - 20 KM's20 - 100 KM's101 - 200 KM's201 - 500 KM's501 - 1,000 KM's1,001 + KM'sAnnual KM's Driven*How many KM's do you expect to put on the vehicle over the course of the next year?5,000 km/year10.000 km/year15,000 km/year20,000 km/year25,000 km/year30,000 km/year35,000 km/year40,000 km/year45,000 km/year50,000 km/yearOver 50,000 km/yearDaily Commute KM's Driven*Distance one-way from home to work.I don't take my vehicle to work.2 KM's4 KM's6 KM's8 KM's10 KM's12 KM's14 KM's16 KM's18 KM's20 KM's22 KM's24 KM's26 KM's28 KM's30 KM's32 KM's34 KM's36 KM's38 KM's40 KM's42 KM's44 KM's46 KM's48 KM's50 KM's52 KM's54 KM's56 KM's58 KM's60 KM's62 KM's64 KM's66 KM's68 KM's70 KM's72 KM's74 KM's76 KM's78 KM's80 KM's82 KM's84 KM's86 KM's88 KM's90 KM's92 KM's94 KM's96 KM's98 KM's100 KM's102 KM's104 KM's106 KM's108 KM's110 KM's112 KM's114 KM's116 KM's118 KM's120 KM's122 KM's124 KM's126 KM's128 KM's130 KM's132 KM's134 KM's136 KM's138 KM's140 KM's142 KM's144 KM's146 KM's148 KM's150 KM's152 KM's154 KM's156 KM's158 KM's160 KM's162 KM's164 KM's166 KM's168 KM's170 KM's172 KM's174 KM's176 KM's178 KM's180 KM's182 KM's184 KM's186 KM's188 KM's190 KM's192 KM's194 KM's196 KM's198 KM's200 KM'sAnnual Business KM's Driven*No business use, ride sharing or food delivery5,000 km/year for business10.000 km/year for business15,000 km/year for business20,000 km/year for business25,000 km/year for business30,000 km/year for business35,000 km/year for business40,000 km/year for business45,000 km/year for business50,000 km/year for businessOver 50,000 km/year for businessWinter tires?*What type of tire do you use in the winter?Winter TiresAll SeasonsNeitherIs vehicle currently financed or leased?*FinancedOwned outrightLeasedCoverage Required:*If financed or leased full coverage is mandatory.Full CoverageOne-way CoverageI'm not sureAny Pre-Existing Damage on the Vehicle?If any pre-existing damage please be as detailed as possible explaining the damage. No Damage Driver #1 DetailsIncluding yourself how many licensed drivers in the household?*12345Driver # 1 Name* First Name Last Name Gender*MaleFemaleDriver # 1 Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Driver # 1 Marital Status*SingleCommon-LawMarriedDivorcedWidowedDriver # 1 Occupation:Certain occupations qualify for preferred rates, be as detailed as possible.Driver # 1 Current License Held*G1G2GOut of province licenseDriver # 1 Ontario Driver's License Number*How many years have you been driving in Ontario?*0123456Over 6 yearsHow many tickets in past 3 years?*Parking tickets don't count.012345Over 5How many accidents in past 6 years?*012345Over 5How many drivers license suspensions in past 3 years?*012Over 2How many cancellations by the insurance company in past 3 years for non-payment?*012Over 2 Driver #2 DetailsDriver # 2 Name* First Name Last Name Gender*MaleFemaleDriver # 2 Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Driver # 2 Marital Status*SingleCommon-LawMarriedDivorcedWidowedDriver # 2 Occupation:Certain occupations qualify for preferred rates, be as detailed as possible.Driver # 2 Current License Held*G1G2GOut of province licenseDriver # 2 Ontario Driver's License Number*How many years have you been driving in Ontario?*0123456Over 6 yearsHow many tickets in past 3 years?*Parking tickets don't count.012345Over 5How many accidents in past 6 years?*012345Over 5How many drivers license suspensions in past 3 years?*012Over 2How many cancellations by the insurance company in past 3 years for non-payment?*012Over 2 Driver #3 DetailsDriver # 3 Name* First Name Last Name Gender*MaleFemaleDriver # 3 Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Driver # 3 Marital Status*SingleCommon-LawMarriedDivorcedWidowedDriver # 3 Occupation:Certain occupations qualify for preferred rates, be as detailed as possible.Driver # 3 Current License Held*G1G2GOut of province licenseDriver # 3 Ontario Driver's License Number*How many years have you been driving in Ontario?*0123456Over 6 yearsHow many tickets in past 3 years?*Parking tickets don't count.012345Over 5How many accidents in past 6 years?*012345Over 5How many drivers license suspensions in past 3 years?*012Over 2How many cancellations by the insurance company in past 3 years for non-payment?*012Over 2 Driver #4 DetailsDriver # 4 Name* First Name Last Name Gender*MaleFemaleDriver # 4 Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Driver # 4 Marital Status*SingleCommon-LawMarriedDivorcedWidowedDriver # 4 Occupation:Certain occupations qualify for preferred rates, be as detailed as possible.Driver # 4 Current License Held*G1G2GOut of province licenseDriver # 4 Ontario Driver's License Number*How many years have you been driving in Ontario?*0123456Over 6 yearsHow many tickets in past 3 years?*Parking tickets don't count.012345Over 5How many accidents in past 6 years?*012345Over 5How many drivers license suspensions in past 3 years?*012Over 2How many cancellations by the insurance company in past 3 years for non-payment?*012Over 2 Driver #5 DetailsDriver # 5 Name* First Name Last Name Gender*MaleFemaleDriver # 5 Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Driver # 5 Marital Status*SingleCommon-LawMarriedDivorcedWidowedDriver # 5 Occupation:Certain occupations qualify for preferred rates, be as detailed as possible.Driver # 5 Current License Held*G1G2GOut of province licenseDriver # 5 Ontario Driver's License Number*How many years have you been driving in Ontario?*0123456Over 6 yearsHow many tickets in past 3 years?*Parking tickets don't count.012345Over 5How many accidents in past 6 years?*012345Over 5How many drivers license suspensions in past 3 years?*012Over 2How many cancellations by the insurance company in past 3 years for non-payment?*012Over 2 Consent*By providing your driver's license number, you are hereby authorizing us to retrieve your prior insurance information, including those of any previously listed drivers from whom I have obtained consent, in order to provide you with a faster, more accurate quote. Do I have permission to retrieve your insurance information? I agree to grant permission to retrieve up to 25 years of my insurance informationUpload / CommentsPicture & Document UploadOptional feature, upload picture of vehicle, ownership, driver's license, etc. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 50 MB. CommentsInclude any additional comments.